Tuesday, April 21, 2009

When Numbers Aren't Your Thing

The world is an interesting place because of diversity. If you're not mathematically inclined or numbers make your eyes roll back in your head, the beauty of it is that there are numbers experts that can help you.

In my past life as a mortgage and credit specialist for Merrill Lynch, I found great pride in helping clients achieve their financial goals. It was more than providing them with a mortgage to purchase a home. I worked closely with their financial advisor to create a plan that was beneficial to both the asset side and liability side of their balance sheet.

As a professional writer, I recently encountered a woman who can use her left brain and right brain. Maria Markham Thompson, CPA, CFA, provides accounting and tax services for writers, artists, and small businesses. Maria is also a fellow freelance financial writer. She shares her 25 years of financial services experience with those who may be mathematically challenged and relishes in her ability to explain numbers to her clients in plain English. Maria writes and creates business plans--putting together her creative side with her financial knowledge. She also helps individuals put together their personal financial plans, and even prepares taxes for her clients.

It got me to thinking how many people in this world can benefit from someone like Maria--especially in my world where I am surrounded by creatives!

The moral of the story is that you should stick to what you do best and turn to experts to help you with what they do best.