Tuesday, June 30, 2009

3 Ways to Save on Your Vet Bill

If you love your dog like I adore mine, then you may be interested in learning how to save on your vet bills. I'd pay almost any amount of money to make sure that my JRT, Cody, is safe, healthy and comfortable in life, but sometimes the sting of the vet bill has made me wish I had invested in pet insurance!

There are three easy steps you can take to not only ensure your pet stays healthy but to also save you money at the vet.

3 easy rules to abide by
1. Don't fee your dog like he's a human. Even if you're a very healthy eater by human standards, you shouldn't feed your dog human food. Their tummies cannot digest the same food and ingredients that human tummies can. You can avoid an unnecessary trip to the vet and the racking up of your vet bills by feeding your dog food for dogs!

Especially avoid:

1. Bones (or foods with bones in them such as turkey and chicken)
2. Cheese
3. Chips
4. Chocolate
5. Grapes and raisins

2. Exercise your pet to keep them at a normal weight. Make sure that you feed your pet the proper amount of food and that they get exercise on a daily basis. Keeping your pet at the ideal weight for their body can help you avoid extra vet bills for joint problems, exercise programs and special diets, heart problems and more. Just like it is unhealthy for you to be overweight, it is unhealthy for your pets to be overweight too.

3. Do your own exams. I don't mean avoid taking your pets to the vet. What I mean is pay attention to your dog on a weekly basis. Feel his body for lumps, bumps or other issues that aren't normally there. If you perform weekly exams at home, you have a better chance of catching diseases and ailments early on, which may save your pet's life. Catching problems early can also save you money.

The healthier your pet is the less you have to take them to the vet (except for annual check-ups, shots, etc.). By taking these three steps, you can help ensure that you keep the money in your wallet instead of having to shell it out to your vet. All pets have expenses involved in taking care of them, but you can eliminate the unnecessary ones with these three easy steps.