Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Blog Review: Her Every Cent Counts

I came across a blog maintained by a 25-year-old woman that is trying to figure out personal finance called Her Every Cent Counts. She refers to her insights as dealing with a quarter life crisis and change. As you can see from my blog roll, this is a site that I enjoy following. Even though it hasn't been that long since I was 25, you do see personal finance in a different light at different ages. At 25, many people are still finding their place in this world. Many will change careers a few times before they find one where they are happy and can excel. Some never find this.

To the Her Every Cent Counts blogger, and anyone else floundering around in the personal finance arena of their life, I give you hope in saying, you can figure it out. Read everything you can get your hands on. Educate yourself. Put your learnings to the test, and listen to those that have made mistakes before you and learn from their lessons. It's called personal finance for a reason--there isn't one answer that works for everyone because everyone's situation is different. You can, however, take bits and pieces and apply it your personal financial situation.

Write on, Her Every Cent Counts.