Friday, February 13, 2009

Do coupon clipping, free grocery getting people amaze you?

While I love to shop and spend money, I have a frugal side that makes me sit down on Sundays and clip coupons. I try to combine my coupons with sales at the grocery store to get my items as cheap as possible. When items are on sale that I use, I stock up. I love to shop at BJs and Costco so I can get my items in bulk, and save money while doing it. It's a game to me because the more I save at the grocery store, the more I can spend on purses, shoes, and jewelry--all things I simply love. I love to eat too though, so getting the food I want without having to empty my wallet is a win-win for me.

I read a great blog post today about a woman that has made it her job to get free groceries. She is such a coupon clipping grocery bargain beast that there are times when the store pays her to buy groceries! This amazes me and I wanted to share her story with you.