Thursday, April 23, 2009

5 Ways to Save on Food without Giving up Eating

There is no doubt that these are times to tighten your spending habits at the grocery store. You've had to cut back in every other area of your life, but starving isn't really an option. Being a wise shopper and cook is the perfect option for cutting the food bill without giving up food.

Here are five tips to help your tummy and your wallet stay full.

1. When on sale, buy in bulk. When an item you buy is on sale, stock up on it. For me, I do this when my local Publix has its buy one, get one free sale. Whether it's buy one, get one free or simply on sale, buy multiple items at bargain pricing and sock it away until you need it. Many items can be frozen for use at a later date, or have a long shelf-life. Be sure to check expiration dates so you don't end up throwing items away before you get a chance to use it.

2. Use everything you can. I learned this from my grandmother, who went through the Great Depression. She never threw anything away. If she cooked a ham, she used the ham bone to make split pea soup. You can even turn leftovers into entirely new meals. Be creative and find a way to use more and waste less.

3. Avoid prepared foods.
Prepared foods are convenient, but they're also overpriced and aren't as healthy as freshly prepared foods. Avoid the prepared foods and you'll save money, and be healthier for it.

4. Stale bread doesn't belong in the trash. When your bread goes stale, make croutons. Cut the bread into cubes and bake in the oven for about 10 minutes at 300 degrees. Add them to a fresh salad for a side dish for lunch or dinner.

5. Plan your meals by the sale paper. Instead of planning your shopping list by what you want to make, plan your meals based on what's on sale. Take a few minutes to preview the sale paper for your local grocery store, and plan your meals around the sale items. This is a surefire way to make sure you never pay full price for anything again!

While you may have to cut back, you don't have to cut out eating altogether. Follow these five steps and you'll cut back your grocery store spending without cutting back on your food intake.