Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Learn How to Be a Smart Entrepreneur That Survives a Recession

There is no doubt that times right now are tough. As a small business owner, you may be watching as your customers freak out over the headlines hitting the news everyday. Their freak out means they are saving their pennies and may not be spending their money on your products or services. Learn the five steps you can take to survive this recession and any future ones that (hopefully do not) come your way.

5 Ways to Bring Your Small Business Out of the Rubble

1. Be proactive. As a smart business owner, you don't just open your business everyday and hope that customers find you. If you do, then you're in trouble. A successful entrepreneur instead knows who their ideal client is, where to find them and what to say to them when marketing and advertising to them. Then you proactively create marketing campaigns that attract and speak to your ideal clients.

2. They mimic the great ideas of great entrepreneurs. There are great business people all over the world. As a smart business owner, you need to seek out the best business people in the world and see what they're doing. Even if the industry for the business is different from your business, you can find ways to apply their great ideas and actions to your business.

3. Be a leader. The last thing you want to be in the middle of a recession is part of the crowd. During recessions, the middle drops out and you either drown at the bottom and die or move to the front of the line. You want to take a look around and see what the average business owner is doing and then do the direct opposite. The "average" companies sink and drown in a recession and you want to go to the front of the line. For example, many businesses cut back their marketing budget during hard times. The opposite is actually true. Companies should be ramping up on marketing during hard times so your customers will remember your business during great times too!

4. Figure out and use your USP. Your USP is your company's unique selling proposition. Simply stated, it's why your customers should be buying from you rather than somebody else. It may take you some time to come up with your USP, but once you have it figured out, use it to your advantage. It's a surefire way to gain your portion of the business that is out there to be had.

5. The power of attraction and association. Surround yourself with positive thinking business owners and individuals rather than those whining about how horrible life is. When you surround yourself with successful and positive people you'll attract wealth and positivity to your life and your business.

Take these five steps and watch as your competitors close their doors in failure while you emerge as a leader.