Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Technology Can be Hazardous to Your Credit Health

According to the Federal Trade Commission, more than 9 million Americans each year are victims of identity theft. The ease of technology adds to the hazard because once the thieves get a hold of your information, they can quickly and easily go online and apply for new credit in your name.

4 Ways to Protect Credit Online

* Never give out your social security number unless you know who you're providing it to
* Only shop secure websites where your information is encrypted
* If a company calls you on the phone asking for personal information, tell them you'll call back. Then hang up, find the phone number listed for the creditor and call back. Scammers try to identify themselves as one of your creditors in order to get information from you they can use.
* When you receive an email from a creditor asking for personal information, rather than click on a link in the email, type the web address in yourself. This helps you avoid providing personal information on a phishing website.